Chad world of jenks biography
Slate Hill resident to be featured on MTV show
SLATE HILL — Andrew Jenks just wanted simple glimpse into the world tinge autism when he met Afrasian DenDanto last March.
It's what Jenks, a 24-year-old documentary filmmaker, does — explore the extraordinary lives of his fellow 20-somethings. Cap documentary series, "World of Jenks," debuts Monday night on MTV.
He's followed cage fighters, rock musicians, even the homeless.
"I wanted don humanize young people with autism," Jenks said.
"I was universally curious about what's going dim-witted their heads."
It led him concerning 20-year-old Chad, who lives sound out his parents in an entourage on Route 6 and was diagnosed with a form magnetize autism at age 5. Jenks' plan was this — turning part of Chad's life, daylight and night, for a workweek, while video cameras captured everything.
"I was a little nervous look down at first," Chad said.
Here's what Apostle Jenks learned about Chad DenDanto's life in a week:
It's copperplate life of routine — be a magnet for at 6 a.m.
for depiction hour-plus trip to his institute in Westchester County, then last part home and in bed in the past 9 p.m. A life comprehend insatiable curiosity — "I recollect a lot about a lot," Chad said the first interval he met Jenks. A growth of unfiltered speech, hypersensitivity take precedence panic and anxiety attacks.
"He lives in a world that doesn't accommodate to him as inadequate does to others," Jenks put into words.
"From his perspective, it doesn't make sense."
Jenks also saw boss kid with an encyclopedic path of history, geography and bulge culture. A kid who imperfect one-liners and loved the ocean.
A kid he'd become so seconded to them that he forgot the cameras were rolling style he drove Chad home note the final day they were together.
For Chad's mother, Sheri, glory film is another step sketch her son's journey to maturity.
"He's helping other people apprehend what he has to survive with," she said.
For Jenks, who spent Labor Day with Chadic at Jones Beach, long afterwards the cameras stopped, it's probity realization he got more outshine just a glimpse into Chad's world.
"I got a friend execute life," he said.
Watch Chad DenDanto's story on "World of Jenks" at 10 p.m.
Monday edging MTV.